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Circulomics Short Read Eliminator Kit

Circulomics Short Read Eliminator Kit


size selective precipitation to dramatically reduce short reads below 25 kb.


  • Short DNA fragments <25 kb are progressively depleted
  • DNA <10 kb are nearly completely removed
  • The read length enhancement is dependent on: 1) the amount of short DNA present in the input DNA 2) the amount of long DNA present in the input DNA
  • Overall recovery efficiency is dependent on 1) the quality of the input DNA 2) the input DNA concentration
  • Expect to recover ~60% of your HMW DNA.
  • Sample must be comprised predominantly of HMW DNA (>48 kb) or recovery will be compromised.
  • Processing requires only a simple centrifuge step and a two wash steps.
  • Total process time is 1-2 hours


품번 품명 가격
102-208-200 NEW SRE XS kit - Reagents to complete depletion/size selection of DNA <10 kb 견적문의
102-208-300 NEW SRE kit - Reagents to complete depletion/size selection of DNA <25 kb 견적문의
102-208-400 NEW SRE XL kit - Reagents to complete depletion/size selection of DNA <40kb 견적문의